Friday, March 18, 2011


What do you notice first when you see a person?

Sometimes I may notice a persons eyes other times its their lips. Which brings me to  my main topic Piercings!
I love them big ones, little ones, stretched out, surface and even those that are embedded. I only have one facial piercing but i'd like to get another. Being raised as I was my parents aren't the type to like piercings. Well my mom is okay, but my father is on a level of why would you want to put a hole in your body that wasn't there when you were born?

Ha, Ha, Every time I think of his reaction to my nose stud I can't help but smile.

This brings me to my next subject what do you think of piercings?
I personally love them especially lip piercings I mean if your mouth has a good pair of covers im looking, lol.
I just feel why not, I mean if you're looking for a piercing to fit you and you have a small mouth try not to get anything too over bearing and if you're looking to get one and you have fuller lips ( like yours truly) you can get virtually any type of mouth piercing.

But Please, PLEASE do not forget the lipbalm your mouth is only as good as the effort you put into moisturizing it.I'm just saying that yes teeth and breath are important, but so are your covers too.

Two of my favorite piercings.

BTW: these are not my photos. just something I found on google, If you want them removed please tell me.


  1. I like this. I was pretty intrigued by this. I might get one :)

  2. I really think if you do the off center one would look GREAT! LOL

