Saturday, March 19, 2011

Victory Is Mine!

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Now we've all been to a yard sale or have had a yard sale at one point and time or another. When it comes to my mom she's the yard sale queen. She actually treats yard sales as a sport I like to call it Yard Sailing.
She enjoy's the hunt. The chance that there may just be something out there for her home that she didn't know she needed. (lol)

But aside from her you have got to see the look in a mother or any other well seasoned Yard Sailor's eyes when they are thinking that they are about to make a killing on something that you no longer believe serves a purpose for you. Kind of how you see those shoes that you have been eying for awhile and then Omigosh! There they are marked down 75% how do you react? would you rush over there grab them and let out a might warrior roar! or do you walk slowly and casually over to them and never let them see you sweat?
That's the joy of hunting at a yard sale, its the little victory dance you do in your mind and the feeling of triumph when your friends ask you about those shoes or furniture piece or whatever. So remember it's okay to feel like you just stole something, you can celebrate and dance when you get home or even just to your car lol. (I know I would).

So this morning I am hosting a yard sale and she (my mom) is out hunting. I love it when she goes out hunting though, you never know what she'll have when she returns.

But with the way the economy is, we all may just have to start bartering, bargaining and 'hunting' for what we may need for our families and homes.

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