Just something so horribly horrendous my sister showed me.
Who in their right mind would even take the chance on calling this girl the next Justin Beiber, i don't even like Justin Beiber like that and he has more talent in his weird beiber cut than this chick.
This girls name is Rebecca Black the song is Friday, and I cannot wrap my head around how anyone would find this as being some sort of enjoyment, I really hope its a joke. With the creepy robotic like tone and completely blank stare in her eyes accompanied by the constant air headed smile, I can only feel as if this is some sort of weird ploy saying how people will like anything as long as it involves a cute girl having fun.
-__- Blank Stare.
I am not amused nor will I be fooled into thinking that this is what real entertainment is. I honestly believe I lost brain cells watching this. If you want to take a chance on this please proceed with caution:
I just realized that there was a guy rapping at the end. -_-
Also just because you hear music doesn't mean you are listening to it. Listen to what your Favorite artists are saying, it may shock you.
Update: I recently just found out that this girl is indeed 13 and this song was created for the soul purpose to anger people and give her a lot of viral buzz in what seems to be overnight internet stardom. Apparently she's just another Youtube sensation trying to find ultimate stardom in the tv world. My advice for her is that the industry is not what its cracked up to be and if she still wants to be in then good luck.
If this gets air play, I'm gonna so her company. She looked like she was reading off of prompter, because of that blank stare. And this lyrics make no type of sense!!! What is going on?